Additional Heka incubators coming soon!

We are excited to be expanding our product line to offer more Heka incubators!!! Using the same high quality engineering and microcontrols that Heka has built it's reputation on, each of the incubators below are tuned to exacting and specific needs for the species being incubated.

Please check back soon for additional information, pricing, availability and ordering, or signup for our emails at the bottom of this page to recieve updates. 

HEKA Parrot Incubator "Kongo" with fully automatic humidification

The ideal incubator for incubating parrot-eggs or eggs of other hard to incubate bird and poultry species. It features a hygienic, easy-to-clean plastic-cabin. The regulation of all incubating-values temperature, humidity, turning cycle,cool down cycle, cool down length is precisely and reliably handled by our computer-controls. The values are digitally shown in bold LEDs.

Parrot Brooder - "Ara" with automatic humidification

Failure-free regulation of temperature & humidity.  

HEKA Raptor Incubator "Falcon"

The perfect incubator for breeders of birds of prey who want to (and can) bring every single chick to hatching. 

The HEKA raptor incubator "Falcon" offers the best possible platform.

Our HEKA microprocessor control was developed (with our experience for decades) with the aim, that the regulation of temperature and humidity is more precise than any other control used in incubators. Our experience confirms again and again, that we not only achieved this, but that also the reliability of our HEKA microprocessor control is unexcelled.
The double walled air circulation system, included in all HEKA-incubators, moreover guarantees, that the temperature is absolutely equal everywhere, where you can place eggs.

The height of the cabin and the placement of the turning mechanism below the incubating tray make it easy to remove eggs for weighing.

HEKA-Ostrich-Incubator "Savanne" - for 80-120 eggs & "Steppe" for 100-140 eggs

The perfect ostrich-incubators, which is (as far as we know) the only one wordlwide, which really can simulate the natural demands of ostrich eggs (extremely low humidity). They are equipped with our precise HEKA microprocessor control and with fully automatic egg turning. The eggs are turned by two strong, robust three-phase motors. Eggs can be put into the trays laying or standing. The number of turns per day and the turning-angle (important for standing/vertical incubating) can be programmed. Also cool down length can be set. 

What makes our HEKA unique to all Ostrich incubators is the optional dehumidification system: you program the humidity and the incubator brings down the humidity to values of 20-25%, which are absolutely necessary for successful incubation of ostrich eggs. This perfectly simulates the natural habitat and leads to successful hatching.

HEKA-Queen Bee Incubator

The perfect solution for bee keepers to raise more queens: just put the Nicot-hatching-cages CNE5 + CNE2 onto our special incubating tray. Automatic humidity coupled with microprocessor heating control creates the ideal incubating environment.

HEKA Laboratory Incubators:  "In-Ovo" & Olympic 480-Lab

Both of these HEKA laboratory incubators are equipped like our tried and tested HEKA Olympic incubators:
HEKA microprocessor-control, fully automatic egg turning (number of turnings per day programmable), fully automatic humidification, double thermostat and cool-down timer. 

HEKA Reptile Incubator "Snake"

Reptile Incubator with Air Cooling System

Working with experts in the reptile breeding community, we have developed the perfect incubator for reptile incubating.

The temperature accuracy within the"Snake" incubator, top to botton, and front to back, is the same consistancy and accuracy as found in all Heka incubators, a standard not found in other reptile incubators. To ensure the incubating temperature for reptiles (around 30°C, depending on species) we have installed special ventilators (nearly 0 specific-heat) and also have installed an air cooling system. In case of overheating (temperature determined by the user) two cooling-ventilators are activated, which blow in cold air from outside the incubator.